Thursday, March 31, 2011

Why SEO What is SEO and Why you should do SEO

SEO refers Search Engine Optimization. That mean promoting your site in the best way possible, deals with the process that make your site prioritize on web. People always search on web to know about something they need.  Search engines make the work for the people who are searching. So, optimizing your site is good to you and for other people.

There are numbers of search engine in web e.g., Google, Yahoo, Altravista. Whatever the engine is the function is same; however result may differ from one to others. But the main function of it is to search related web site with keywords you input. The search engine tries to find out the best related site match with the inputted keywords. For performing this job, the engines use some techniques and matrices differ to each one. It works for finding out well know site match with the keywords.  Basically, Search engine searches for related sites having high authority status, trust worthiness , freshness of contents and uniqueness of contents etc. 

Just think it in other ways, you might search on web for something you need and find millions, billions of search result. There must be a site in first position, a site in second position and so on. Do you ever thing how someone get first in that list and why someone get last. There must be some reasons. It is for logicsor matrices search engine works with. SEO handle with those logics and matrices that make your site in a good position in web.we will come to know lots more, if you work with SEO. 

But why you should work with SEO? As because, there are billions of site out there and obviously same sites like yours, doing the same business. People are working on SEO for promoting their site. So, if you do not do, you will be remaining at the back of every one. You can think it as making campaign with your business as for popularizing your business. When people come to know about your business, they will easily get you and you will be benefitted. 

For making money online, if you make a site for selling your product. You have to make people know about your product. The best way to do is web site. Without SEO you cannot promote your site. When you do SEO work people will easily know about your product who are looking for that particular product and ultimately you can able to sell your product in a great extent.

For business promotion, unlike selling product you can easily promote your site. As there are lots of competitors out there, you have to do SEO work.

I hope now you are able to understand the necessity of SEO for your site. Work with it you will be benefitted very soon.

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This posting is also available at SEO tips from rezatrue

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